Tuesday, February 14, 2017

To Err Is Human, to Forgive Is Human

"To err is human, to forgive is divine" is a well known aphorism with questionable philosophical underpinnings. I quite agree that forgiveness is a powerful force and is the gateway to love - the most beautiful, healing, and wondrous thing a human being can emote. For that matter, animals can also express exemplary feelings. The dog, wo-man's best friend, can warm the cockles of the hardest heart with its unabashed adoration of the master. However, if the divine (God) is all forgiveness and love, then who is responsible for creating all the evil-doings of mankind? Perhaps it would be more correct to say, "To err is human, to forgive and love is human." Until someone can explain how an all-knowing and all-loving God can fuck up so badly, I can only assume it is we who create all that is good and bad on this earth.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Boredom as Dis-ease

There are no psychiatric diagnostics nor classification codes for a state called boredom.
Our world is filled with wonders, horrors, and every shade of the rainbow in between; logically there could be near infinite ways to engage the mind interactively given the vast stimuli available to the human mind.

Thus, why would anyone ever be bored? It is simply illogical except if one examines the feeling of boredom through an analytical lens. 

Boredom = not understanding or perceiving the vast range of potentials dwelling within our mind-body that exist no matter what our intelligence level, social status or education.

Boredom = a semi-paralyzing depression that dampens motivation to explore, expand, and create.

Boredom = a passive-aggressive stance towards oneself and others akin to a stubborn mule that sits on its hind legs and refuses to budge. It bespeaks of an unwillingness to give of oneself to the collective.

Boredom = a state of numbness born from a stressor that has not been brought to conscious awareness and liberated.

Boredom = a feeling of isolation from the world that feeds on itself, leading to further disengagement and deadening of the senses.

The next time you or someone close to you feels bored, try looking into the mirror of self to find the blockage. Once uncovered, perhaps that deadened state will morph into life-affirming activity once again.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

When An Inconvenient Truth Becomes a Convenient Lie

It would be hunky-dory if people embraced inconvenient truths and had the courage to face their own demons to say, "Scram." Alas, it takes a level of scrupulous honesty, or bull-shit busting, to face what is really going on instead of doing the ostrich routine or living a lie that you pass off as a great scenario.

The tendency for most humans is to do the chicken dance (no offense, my fowl friends) and strut through life with pretension. The fact that we actually elected a President who has perfected this art form is nothing short of astonishing. It is the anti-miracle of centuries past and present.

On a somewhat smaller stage, how many of us do the same thing in our little lives? One cheating husband actually told me that it was an act of compassion to lie to his wife about his infidelities...that the truth would be too painful so he was being kind to conceal his alternate life.

What liars don't take into account is that everyone knows everything on some level of awareness. The collective consciousness holds all the data and those who are adept etheric researchers can discover the data. Those who are not gifted at detecting subtle energy patterns nonetheless are aware that something is not kosher. It is like having a ghost in the house...a discontent spirit that can't be seen or heard yet vibrates through the airwaves with a disturbing frequency.

Up until the age of 40-ish, I told white lies a.k.a. exaggerations of the facts. While it is not a criminal act to say, "I won the blue ribbon in a horse competition when I was thirteen," when in fact it was a second place red ribbon (guilty as charged) nonetheless it is a misrepresentation of "what is."

The sad truth, if not the inconvenient one, is that we are totally OK being real, being authentic. If only we realized that we have nothing to lose but loss itself, what would we gain?

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Questions in Search of an Answer

The moment seems real yet the moment the moment has passed it becomes a dream. There is essentially no difference between a waking memory and a motion-picture that sleep-time rolls out.

This begs the question: does the present moment event exist? Is it measured in nano-seconds, seconds, minutes? Certainly not hours or days. What is "a moment in time" when time itself is a relative concept? Does this mean that our version of reality is mere flimsy fiction to justify a worldview?

If ordinary human perception is an experience of the dreamtime, it begs the question: where is reality, if anywhere?

Friday, February 3, 2017

Puppies and Kitties

Television pundits drone endlessly as they attempt to unpack the disaster that this new presidency has wrought upon our nation and the world. While it is important to be informed and craft a personal plan of action, the overall gestalt weighs upon the soul mightily.

As a counterweight to this dreadful reality, my choice of entertainment has shifted radically. Scrolling through Netflix, I bypass drama, comedy, and all sorts of high-concept films to select puppy and kitty documentaries. None of these films would make a splash in the world of intelligent filmmaking. Yet, the vision of innocent and vulnerable domesticates cavorting on the flat screen can drive away the blues in a nanosecond.

Despite a slight case of self-judgement about such light-weight choice of fare, the smile on my face and the light in my heart tells me that budding life is a joy to behold. To be renewed is essential for our health and welfare in these times...any way we can find it!

Resisting Revenge

For decades, Myanmar suffered under the yoke of brutal dictatorships, but from 2011 to 2021, it experienced a brief period of relative freed...