As a staunch left-of-center humanitarian, the right wing of the Republican party has my blood boiling over or running cold, depending on their policy du jour. However, as the old Arab saying goes, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
I will admit, albeit sheepishly, that it seems most (and I mean most, not all) of the Republican right wing actually have a ground-level sense of decency - NOT when when it comes to their Taliban-style agenda against Planned Parenthood - NOT when they appoint Supreme Court Justices who strip away civil rights so hard fought - NOT in general - but simply because many of them are not "nuts," even when their legislation is ignorant of what grows a harmonious human community.
Caring for one's young is not a sign of great compassion. It is an inbred genetic response held by lions, bears and ants. So when Trump is lauded for his love of the Trump children, let's face it. His animal instincts are working just hunky-dor-ily.
Americans of all stripes are holding their collective breath. We might elect a nouveau-Mussolini, in which case world chaos will erupt. Or, the first woman president could hold office. Despite her ability to be rather tone-deaf herself (and a former Goldwater supporter), at the very least our Supreme Court will go on to reflect human values. Pray pray pray for the Light my friends.
I will admit, albeit sheepishly, that it seems most (and I mean most, not all) of the Republican right wing actually have a ground-level sense of decency - NOT when when it comes to their Taliban-style agenda against Planned Parenthood - NOT when they appoint Supreme Court Justices who strip away civil rights so hard fought - NOT in general - but simply because many of them are not "nuts," even when their legislation is ignorant of what grows a harmonious human community.
Caring for one's young is not a sign of great compassion. It is an inbred genetic response held by lions, bears and ants. So when Trump is lauded for his love of the Trump children, let's face it. His animal instincts are working just hunky-dor-ily.
Americans of all stripes are holding their collective breath. We might elect a nouveau-Mussolini, in which case world chaos will erupt. Or, the first woman president could hold office. Despite her ability to be rather tone-deaf herself (and a former Goldwater supporter), at the very least our Supreme Court will go on to reflect human values. Pray pray pray for the Light my friends.